Friday, January 28, 2011
surgery on monday
The surgery itself sounds easy; I get to go back with him and hold him until he falls asleep (the use gas anesthesia so no IV, no intubation), then it only takes 3-5 minutes to put the tubes in and then we will go to recovery for 30-60 minutes and then be on our way home!
Chris and I are both going to stay home with him Monday and then he will go back to daycare on Tuesday!
I'll post an update/pictures sometime Monday or Tuesday!
Wish us luck! I honestly think the hardest part will be not giving Jack anything to eat or drink after midnight on Sunday until AFTER his surgery! That's going to be KILLER!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
ear, nose and throat
I'm hoping we can get in sometime this week (because Feb. 1 is the first day of our new insurance year) so that we don't take the full financial brunt of this ordeal since we've already hit our dedubtible for 2010 everything up until the new plan year is 100% FREE!
So I'll keep you posted! Wish us luck!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
all caught up and what's next...
I'll provide details as things become set in stone!
To be continued...
Jack will be healthy as long as he is on his antibiotic and then for the first 2-3 weeks after he finishes his antibiotic and then the entire cycle starts over again!? Ugh, frustrating! We still do his breathing treatment(s) daily and he still takes his Singulair every night - I'm almost at a loss.
I have been told that it could be allergies (duh, the Singulair), but that it could maybe be a food allergy too. A few friends of mine have taken their toddlers to an allergist here in town that works with children/toddlers - so this week I'll be discussing that with Jack's doctor because you guessed it - it's time to go see her again!
Other than the sick issue, Jack is right on track developmentally! He is running, climbing and jumping! He has a new found love of books and wants to read at least 5-10 every evening! He also loves to color - on everything!?!? He is talking more and more and has started putting a few 2-3 word phrases together! Here are a few of the words/phrases I hear over and over - everyday, but I still find it just too cute!
- Where's Chahi? or Where'd Chahi go? (Where's Charlie? Where'd Charlie go?)
- Where's Daddy?
- Where'd (insert he/she/they/dog/kitty) go?
- Peedaboo (peek-a-boo)!
- Moooore!
- Chahi! Chahi! Chahi!
- Dawg! Dawg! Dawg! Arf, Arf, Arf!
- Kitty-Kitty! Moow! Here kitty kitty! (the cat call goes for an animal, not just cats)
- Birrrrr (Bird)
- Big Boy!
- Big Dawg!
- Baaal! (Ball)
- Nine! Nine! Nine! (this was the first button he found on his number book)
- Baaabeee! (Baby)
- Caaaaar. (Car)
- Deeeeer. (Deer)
- Baaath (Bath)
He says more words, but these are the most commonly heard and as you can see he LOVES to carry his "a's" out! Haha! It's cute! He also understands everything you ask him. He has started taking directions and following through. Ex: he puts his shoes away, he throws things in the trash, he helps put the laundry away, he knows his bedroom versus Momma and Dada's bedroom, he knows what all of his toys are and will bring you back the correct one when you ask, he knows when he is in trouble and needs to go sit down and chill out - things like this!
I couldn't be more proud of how he is growing and learning, although I could do without some of the "boy" characteristics - kicking and wrestling and climping/jumping up/off things! Yikes! He is going to make me have a heart attack!
At his 18 month appointment he weighed 24 pounds and was 31.5 inches tall (I think). He has about 11-12 teeth now too! And he is no longer my perfect little sleeper and is sleeping in our bed at least half the night, but I figure until I have a reason to kick him out...I'd rather sleep!
christmas in pictures
thanksgiving 2010
Thanksgiving Day was spent at Grandpa and Grandma Spear's house with the entire Spear Clan.
We then ventured to Chanute on the following Saturday and spent the first part of the day with my Dad and Stacy and then the evening with my Mom! It was a quick trip, but a great one!
Jack enjoyed tons of food, but mostly candy!