Friday, March 20, 2009

Let The Swelling Begin

I have been super lucky thus far with the whole swelling and soreness factor. And up until 2 days ago I was still wearing my 4 inch stiletto heels to work everyday...well not anymore! On Tuesday afternoon I sat at my desk and thought, "Man, my feet feel tight!" I looked down and my poor feet were trying to squish their way out of my heels! I took the right shoe off and immediately was like, "OMG, better put that back on or else I'm going to be barefoot until I get home from work!" I called Chris, who is always calm and collected, and asked if I should go to the doctor or at least call the doctor b/c I hadn't had any swelling and why now all of the sudden was I swelling? My thoughts, preeclampsia or high blood pressure - all the possible negatives. Chris said, "You might as well call or else you are going to freak out about it for the next week!"

So I called, they called me back and this was our convo:
Nurse: "Well, have you ate a lot of salty foods lately?"
Me: I think to myself, "Does an entire bag of Santitos Tortilla Chips count as alot?" then I reply, well yeah, maybe a little more then normal. HAHAHA!
Nurse: "That's probably it then, and what kind of shoes are you wearing?"
Me: "Four inch stilettos!"
Nurse: "Are you serious? How far along are you?"
Me: "29 weeks!"
Nurse: "Are you serious? Get out of those shoes, girl!" HAHAHA!
There was more to the conversation, but nothing too interesting or funny! She did say if the swelling didn't go down once I got home and put my feet up or by the morning I could come by the clinic anytime and they would check my blood pressure and do a urine to make sure I'm not showing signs of preeclampsia.

The swelling does go down every evening, but starts again once I get out of bed, but they haven't been as bad as they were Tuesday - must of been the chips! HAHAHA! I really wish I would have taken a picture - it was SO gross, especially after I went for a walk Tuesday evening on top of the CHIPS!


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