Thursday, August 4, 2011

13 weeks

Today marks the start of the 13th week for Baby Spear #2 (BS2)! I go back to the doctor next Friday, so I don't really have much to update. I saw my thyroid doctor in Joplin again yesterday and he increased my Synthroid another 25mcg/day so I'm up to 150mcg/day. I was only taking 100mcg/day when I started seeing him, but it really makes me wonder why my doctor here in town waited until I had gained 30-35 pounds before referring me to my new doctor when obviously my levels were low! Ugh! It frustrates me!

When I went to see Dr. Shaw (baby doctor), she looked in my file and told me that I weighed at 10 weeks with BS2 the same as I weighed with Jack at 32 weeks! SCARY! So the plan is that I will hopefully even out and not gain much weight (maybe 10 pounds, 15 max) over the course of this pregnancy, it just really sucks being so heavy!

Pregnancy Highlights!

How Far Along: 13 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: 1 Pound

Maternity Clothes: I've been wearing maternity shorts just b/c they are more comfortable, but I can still wear all my dresses for work.

Gender: Will find out in September!

Movement: Nothing yet.

Symptoms: Nothing beyond being tired.

Cravings: Crab Rangoon!

If I can find something to wear (that I think will fit the entire pregnancy), I might take a belly picture tonight although my belly isn't all baby - it's the extra 35 pounds too...ugh!


1 comment:

Sara said...

congrats on baby #2!! :) hope things get better with your thyroid medication that sucks about the weight.