Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's Official...

Jack is a CHUNK! Ha! We went for his 4 Month Well Baby Visit this morning with Dr. Mijares, all looks good in Jack's world. He weighed 14lbs 13ozs! CHUNK! And he is now 24.5 inches long! I can't remember how big his head was...maybe like 41cms? IDK.

She said he looks great and that she isn't concerned about him not rolling over yet. She said that ever since the "Back to Sleep" campaign has been going on that lots of babies roll closer to 6 months then 4 months, which was the previous benchmark. She said he does hold his neck really well and he does push up, which is all good! I guess he will just get there on his own time!

He had to get more vaccines today - 2 shots and another oral one! OUCH! The mean nurse wouldn't even let us hold him - he just laid there all by himself on the table. He did really good though, he only cried for like maybe 30 seconds then he calmed right down!

I took him back to Tonya's and stayed to give him his noon bottle and a little cuddle time with Mama! He seemed in a fine mood though! Tonya did tell me that he was SO close to rolling over yesterday from his back to his tummy, but just couldn't quite make it - so I think any day now he will be rolling all over the place! I'm still more focused on sitting up though b/c I think that will be way more fun then rolling!



Heather said...

She wouldn't let you hold him?! How mean!!

Darci said...

I DO NOT like Mijares' new nurse - Tammy I think is her name! Just rubs me wrong. I LOVED Julie and then after her Elizabeth was the nurse for awhile and she was good, but Tammy is just no good. All business, not helpful, you can totally tell she doesn't care, etc.