Monday, November 16, 2009


Last week was a pretty momentus one for Jack! First, on a random Thursday night I decided, "Hey, lets put him in his room tonight and see how he does!" Actually it was partly prompted by Chris because he was getting up at 3:45am to go hunting and he always wakes Jack up! So we set up the monitors (yes monitors - a video monitor and a motion sensor/audio monitor and yes I understand both of them might equal over kill, but hey it's what works for me!) and moved everything from his pack n play to his crib! I wanted his crib to seem just as familiar as his pack n play - I wouldn't even let Chris switch his lovey, his blanket, or anything! Still haven't actually...but none the less...we put him down around 7pm which is his normal time and I'd say it took maybe an extra 10 minutes or so for him to go to sleep, he seemed to play longer then normal, but eventually he fell asleep just like always! He did GREAT! He slept until I think 5:15am and I didn't get up to check on him but once when Chris got up because he woke me up! No button replacing in the middle of the night, I never heard him moving around (which he does constantly and wakes me up), and he never woke up crying! I fed him and put him back in his crib where he fell back asleep until I woke him up around 7:15am for daycare!

The second big accomplishment is that Jack has proven his ability to ROLL OVER! Yes, I said it - he can roll! Friday night (11-13-09) we were playing on the floor and we have been working with him to roll over for a couple weeks, but he was just totally uninterested! But we were playing on the floor and I used his favorite toy to "tease" him to roll over and sure enough he follwed that toy with his eyes, head, and body and rolled from belly to back, then back to belly, then belly to back again! I was amazed! Too bad Chris wasn't home to witness the big event! Jack and I showed Chris the next morning and we worked on it again some yesterday! He can roll over, but still doesn't really want to roll over! But at least we know he can!


Tj and Chelse said...

Go Jack! Go Jack!

Sounds like he is a pro already - being able to go both ways! Stubborn little fella probably could've done it weeks ago! I'm sure you already know this but it just goes to show - he is on his schedule, not yours.

And good job Mom! You will sleep much better. Promise.

Heather said...

Waoh big week!! Go Jack!

I slept SO much better when Max went to his own room.

Sara said...

what a great week!! congrats on getting him switched over to his crib.:)