Thursday, February 4, 2010

Unbelievable...Sad Subject Warning...

I wouldn't normally post about a topic I've seen on the news or read online, but yesterday I came across a story that just broke my heart b/c I just can't imagine what this mother is going through and it is unbelievable to think that a parent could do such a thing to their child.

Here is the short story, a girl named Katie that lives in SoCal had a baby last April - so just a month before I had Jack - and her relationship apparently wasn't the best with the baby's daddy, Stephen. Anyway, the father went a bit nuts b/c Katie left him and took Wyatt (the 9 month old) and her other son Dakota (3 years old - not with this guy). Stephen tried to get her to come back and started threathening her and Wyatt if she didn't. Just last week Katie went to court to get a restraining order, but the Judge denied her request and said the father was not a threat to her or the child and left his unsupervised visits in place. Stephen picked up Wyatt Saturday for his visit and that's when things went horribly wrong. He started calling Katie threatening to harm Wyatt and himself, Katie contacted the police who tried to find Stephen and Wyatt, but when they did it was too late. Stephen killed Wyatt and then himself. Stephen left letters, pictures, videos, etc. and also someone posted his suicide letter and a memorial photo album to his Facebook page shortly after the bodies were found. Here are the links to some of the media coverage:,0,5465098.story

I just find it chilling and absolutely disgusting that a parent could ever harm their child and I ache for Katie and her family - Wyatt was innocent in this whole mess, who couldn't help who his parents were or how they acted, but he is the one that suffered the consequences.

It is just an unbelievable, unimaginable, and distrubing story. I feel greatful that Jack has people around him that love and care for him so much and that I can trust will never hurt him, but it puts into perspective on another level how fast things can happen and change your life forever! I think I'll be giving Jack an extra tight hug tonight and an extra one for baby Wyatt!


1 comment:

Heather said...

That absolutely makes me sick to my stomach.
