Friday, January 20, 2012

37 Weeks...

Yesterday marked 37 weeks! The plan has been to induce at 39 weeks (at the latest) so here's to hoping only 2 more weeks at most! I had my weekly appointment with Dr. Shaw on Monday and she checked me and said I was 1.5 cm dilated BUT that baby was still VERY high! She assumes because of the extra fluid she isn't being forced to drop and is just as happy as a clam still bouncing around. She is head down, but not dropping into my pelvis or whatever. So...this leads to a whole new set of things to consider. If she doesn't drop then we might need to consider a c-section, there is concern that is my water breaks on it's own or if we induced and Dr. Shaw broke my water and her head wasn't engaged yet that the cord could get under her head and come out first or be compressed as the head did come down - neither of these situations are good.

I had never heard of this before, but when I got back to work I was emailing with a couple friends and one of them said that this just happened to a girl she knows. That when her water broke the cord came out so they had to do an emergency c-section! Scary! So I'm not sure how we are going to proceed. I have another appointment on Monday and Dr. Shaw will check to see if I've made any progress or not and probably make a plan then, so be on the look out for an update Monday!

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