Monday, April 27, 2009

The Unknown

As our due date approaches I find myself full on uncertainty about "The Unknown"! Not so much what I don't know about taking care of an infant or even down the road raising a somewhat normal, happy, inteligent child, but of the immediate unknown! Down the road I will always have friends and family to ask, "Hey what does this mean?" or "What do I do when...", but right now I can't ask anyone "Hey, when is my water going to break so I can squeeze this baby on out?" - well at least ask and get an inteligent and valid response. Not knowing when I'm going to go into labor and actually have this kid is driving me crazy! As most of you know I'm a big "planner"! I schedule everything! I think about what I'm going to eat 3 days before I eat it - that stems from my younger years, but we won't go there! So needless to say, this unknown is killing me! I would much prefer to schedule the day I will give birth, heck I'd even almost opt for a schedule c-section, I'm all on board for a scheduled induction - but why doesn't the doctor see it this way?

Everyone says, "Oh let it happen naturally!" I say "Boo on your naturally, I want certainty!"


1 comment:

Heather said...

I was exactly the same way. You sort of feel like a ticking time bomb.