Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Childbirth Class: Week 1

Last night Chris and I had our first week of Childbirth Class at the hospital. I think it will be helpful, definitely heard some helpful tips last night, but for the most part last night wasn't all that informational.

The class was kicked off by watching a video, "The Magical Moments of Birth" and you can only guess what we saw. It actually wasn't too graphic, but the video was made in like 1986 and every woman on there had a MASSIVE FURKINI! It was kind of funny!

Then we covered car seat safety, nothing too exciting or new was learned there.

Lastly, we went up to L&D and got a tour. That was nice considering I've never been anywhere in the hospital except like right inside the main entrance and back to where they draw blood! We got to see the labor rooms, the postpartum rooms (they even have 2 or 3 "Mommy Suites" that have queen sized beds so that dad can sleep there too! it's first come, first served but hopefully we will get lucky and get one of those!), and also they have their own C-Section room in the L&D wing so that you don't have to go to a serarate surgery floor.

I must say when she showed us how the bed is arranged for actual delivery I got a bit freaked out! It's like your legs are suspended 3 feet above the rest of your body! I'm still trying to imagine being that exposed and being able to concentrate and not be embarrassed! Everyone says when the time comes you won't care, but I'm not sure I buy into that just yet!?


1 comment:

Heather said...

You don't care!! The nurse and dr are down there so often checking you that it is old news!