Wednesday, September 8, 2010

jack's 15 month update

This is a few weeks late, but since Jack was sick we couldn't have his "Kan-Be Healthy" visit with Dr. Mijares until yesterday! So Jack weighed 22 pounds 8 ounces and was only 29.5 inches long! Poor guy, still a shorty!

We had our development evaluation with Ashley (she is married to one of Chris' friends from Columbus, so we know her)! Everything looked good - except the gross motor, which we are all aware of! She gave him lots of little tests to do, one was so simple that Jack was like what the heck are you making me do this?! She gave him an empty water bottle and put 2 little cereal puffs and wanted him to get the puffs out...duh! She promptly turned the bottle over and dumped out the puffs, then she asked him to put them back in the bottle - so he did! She asked him to do it one more time and he looked at her, dumped out the puffs then shoved them in his mouth! It was too funny!

Jack is saying quite a few words, in his eval they look for 3-6 words - here is his list: mama, dada, no, tank cue (thank you), baaaallllll (ball), dog, K (ok), hi, hey, bye, ba-bye, uh-oh, huh-uh (not sure that's a word, but we'll count it). I think that's about it. We are now focused on learning our animals and body parts! I'm excited to see how many he knows by his 18 month appointment!

Jack has also been sprouting teeth like nobody's business! He has 4 on top and 2 (working on 3) on the bottom! All of this in the last 6-8 weeks!

Jack still IS NOT walking! There I said it...gasp! How dare he!? Well that's what I feel like people think when they learn he isn't walking! He is getting close, he is progressing, I'm not worried! Jack has always been one to do things at his own pace on his own time! I'll give it another month or so and I think he'll be running! I have witnessed a couple steps here and there on his own, but I think he just needs a little more confidence!

UPDATE: I picked Jack up yesterday from daycare and Tonya informed me that she had discovered the reason for Jack's bad attitude - his first molar popped through! Poor baby! And he is swollen really bad in the back on both top and bottom!

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