Monday, May 11, 2009

1 Centimeter!

We had our first appointment in almost 3 weeks this morning and it was actually quite amusing! First I got weighed, no biggie. Peed in the cup - nothing new. Blood pressure 110/64 - good. Then the nurse says, "Dr. is going to do your Group B Strep Test so just undress from the waist down and I will give you a drape" I thought, "OK-no big deal". Well the drape didn't so much fit. I tried it laying across my lap, but that left my bottom exposed. I tried putting it around me from the back but then the front was out there for all to see. I kept messing with it until I managed to tear 2 or 3 large holes in it from trying to force it to fit. Then Chris so politely said, "Maybe that's not the maternity drape?" Haha! I was fairly sure there was only one size, but decided to give the Dr. a bit of a hard time, teasing her as to why she told the nurse to give me the pre-prego drape instead of the maternity drape!? She laughed and said "It's one size fits all!"- we both laughed, b/c obviously this one size wasn't fitting all!

So enough about that, she did my swab - not going into detail. Then I said, "Oh, this is the week you check me, right (knowing good and well that she doesn't start checking until 38 weeks)?" And she said "Well usually I don't until 38 weeks (we are 36 weeks and 5 days), unless there is a reason too or you are just dying to be checked?" I said, "Yes, dying!" So she checked, she said, "Lots of pressure..." It really didn't hurt or anything - at first, she said I was 1 centimeter dilated, but still pretty thick - then she started pushing from the top of my belly and from inside the down there area - and goes, and I can still push baby up a bit - THAT FREAKIN HURT!!! So I guess 1 is better then none, but he definitely won't be coming in the near, near future! She said to go ahead and make an appointment per week until our due date - so I made the last one for June 1st on a Monday that way I can talk induction of that week instead of having to wait the week after our due date if he hasn't arrived by then!


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