Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We're Here...

So it's now 10:10pm and I've had my first dose of Cytotec to start this whole process. So far not really feeling anything different. The nurse said it might put me into active labor and it might now, it affects everyone differently. I was surprised to find out that when they hooked me up to the monitor before doing anything that I was already having contractions...I just can't feel them. Jack is being SO active that he keeps setting the monitor's alarm off because he will move away from the sensor and the heartbeat goes blank on the machine. We've moved it about 4 times now, but I think we found a good location this time.

Now I'm just contemplating how long I can wait to go to the bathroom since I'm hooked up to an IV and have two monitors around my belly that I have to unplug, put around my neck, and then go to the bathroom...seems like a lot to ask of a 39 week pregnant lady, but that's just my opinion!


1 comment:

Heather said...

I remember that! What a pain! That's what I loved about the epi- catheter!